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Showing posts from December, 2019

Reflecting on our Digital Journalism journey

Work is all done, now it's time for the fun bit.. the reflection!  At first I was a bit apprehensive about this mission as I wasn't too sure on the angle I wanted to take but I am really happy with the end product. As a team we all worked really well together. We took turns with all aspects of the video including the filming and editing. As we were doing our video on fake news we decided to make our video look like a real news feature, including a banner going along the bottom. From completing this mission I learned a lot about fake news and how people can be gullible when asked something false in the form of a question. I feel we achieved our main message in the video which is to show that when you ask someone something in the form of a question they will nearly always believe it.  As part of our research we also looked up fake news stories from the past and how they came out to be untrue. Surprisingly there was a lot more than I originally expected to be. I g...

The making of 'Fake News'

(img  Our mission chosen, our group put together and our task decided, our next step was to make the video. To start, as said in my previous blog, we wrote down a list of fake news questions to ask the person we were interviewing. We then had to find people to interview. Since we were in college we decided to go around and see if we could find students or lectures and ask them questions. We wanted to interview people that we didn't know or who weren't in our group as they would have known it was fake news. We were lucky to find five willing people to participate in the video who all fell for our fake news questions. Their answers were all varied, some more shocked about the questions than others. There were also a few funny replies which we found really added to the lightheartedness of the video. We filmed the video using one of our iPhones and the footage came out very well. We all took turns filming and interviewing people.  I will refle...

Mission 3 Methodology

Hey guys!  I am getting used to this blogging thing, I hope you guys are enjoying reading them just as much as I enjoy writing them. Mission three has fast approached and it is time to decide what task to choose yet again. This was quite hard for me to choose as nothing seemed to jump out at me. After going over the options numerous times I have decided, like most people, to do Digital Journalism.  As we had to create a video for this mission, I felt that choosing digital journalism made the most sense. As an avid social media user I am interested in the world of journalism and story telling within the borders of my phone.  After choosing what to do my next job was to find a team to work with. Through using slack I joined teams with my friends Robyn and Daniella. We came together and brainstormed on what we could do for the task at hand. After a few hours switching to and from ideas, we landed on and all agreed to do 'Fake News'. We wanted to capture how easily fake...

My first few college assignments! A reflection

Welcome back to my blog!  I have decided to write a quick blog post on my first few weeks in college and how I have been getting on with assignments.  As it is my first year in college I was apprehensive and anxious to start, I wasn't sure how I was going to handle my time and get everything done, but so far I have managed quite well.  The module that I have enjoyed the most since starting college would have to be Creative Digital Media. Even though out of all the modules it is the one that involves the most work, I have thoroughly enjoyed the wide aray of subjects we get to choose from and the tasks that we have to complete within them.  The youtubing task was the most fun for me. I loved getting the opportunity to film and improve my editing skills. Although I am proud I have done so far, I do feel I can still improve in some areas.  It is taking me some time to get the hang of using Adobe premiere Pro as it is all new to me but hopefully over ti...